Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome ACS Visual Arts and Music Teachers!

Dear Fellow Arts Educators,
Hopefully you've heard that North Carolina is adopting a new set of standards for all the content areas, including the arts.  The standards for Math and English are located on the on the DPI site Common Core Standards.  The Essential Standards refer to changes in the Standard Course of Study for other subject areas, including Music and the Visual Arts.  For more information you can look at a detailed overview Essential Standards.  For even more information on the changes in the standards you can look at Unpacking the Standards and Crosswalks and look specifically under Arts Education.  These are the materials we will cover on several of our Professional Development Days.  If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to this post.  I'm learning as you are, and I'm here to help you.
We will be using this blog site to conduct your Professional Development on the NC Essential Standards in Music and the Visual Arts.  You will be required to make comments to the posts throughout the year.  You will be getting CEU credits for your particiaption in this professional development training!
In advance, I really appreciate your cooperation and am here if you need anything.
Robbin Isenhour Stewart
Visual Arts Instructor
Alexander Central High School


  1. Robbin I am looking forward to working on this but I do have to admit that initially it bothers me. Up to now the Arts have remained essentially free of bureacratic nitpicking and related gooblygoop. I hope we don't lose the one area of education that still retained the atmosphere right brained, more intuitive people could thrive in.

  2. Robbin Isenhour StewartSeptember 19, 2011 at 5:03 PM

    I understand your points, and I agree with you. It's very interesting how they've set them up to focus on proficiency. I think that there has been a lot of bureacratic oversight in the arts for years. In a way, I think the Essential Standards give us more wiggle room than the Standard Course of Study did.
